Methods summary
__construct( )
Initialize Services
getStatusCount( integer $client_id, string $status = 'active', boolean $children = true, array $filters = [] )
Returns the number of results available for the given status
Returns the number of results available for the given status
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to select status count values for
- $status
- The status value to select a count of ('active', 'canceled', 'pending', 'suspended')
- $children
True to fetch all services, including child
services, or false to fetch only services without a parent (optional, default true)
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- package_id The package ID (optional)
- module_id The module ID on which to filter packages (optional)
- package_name The (partial) name of the packages for which to fetch services (optional)
- service_meta The (partial) value of meta data on which to filter services (optional)
integer The number representing the total number of services for this client with that status
getList( integer $client_id = null, string $status = 'active', integer $page = 1, array $order_by = ['date_added' => 'DESC'], boolean $children = true, array $filters = [] )
Returns a list of services for the given client and status
Returns a list of services for the given client and status
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to select services for
- $status
The status to filter by (optional, default "active"), one of:
- active All active services
- canceled All canceled services
- pending All pending services
- suspended All suspended services
- in_review All services that require manual review before they may become pending
- scheduled_cancellation All services scheduled to be canceled
- all All active/canceled/pending/suspended/in_review
- $page
- The page to return results for (optional, default 1)
- $order_by
- The sort and order conditions (e.g. array('sort_field'=>"ASC"), optional)
- $children
True to fetch all services, including child
services, or false to fetch only services without a parent (optional, default true)
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- client_id The client ID (optional)
- package_id The package ID (optional)
- module_id The module ID on which to filter packages (optional)
- package_name The (partial) name of the packages for which to fetch services (optional)
- service_meta The (partial) value of meta data on which to filter services (optional)
- status The status type of the services to fetch (optional, default 'active'):
- active All active services
- canceled All canceled services
- pending All pending services
- suspended All suspended services
- in_review All services that require manual review before they may become pending
- scheduled_cancellation All services scheduled to be canceled
- all All active/canceled/pending/suspended/in_review
array An array of stdClass objects representing services
getSimpleList( integer $client_id = null, integer $page = 1 )
Retrieves a list of all services in the system
Retrieves a list of all services in the system
- $client_id
- The ID of the client whose services to retrieve (optional)
- $page
- The page to return results for (optional, default 1)
array An array of stdClass objects representing each service
getAllByClient( integer $client_id, string $status = 'active', array $order_by = ['date_added' => 'DESC'], boolean $children = true, integer $package_id = null )
Returns a list of services for the given client and status unpaged
Returns a list of services for the given client and status unpaged
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to select services for
- $status
The status to filter by (optional, default "active"), one of:
- active All active services
- canceled All canceled services
- pending All pending services
- suspended All suspended services
- in_review All services that require manual review before they may become pending
- scheduled_cancellation All services scheduled to be canceled
- all All active/canceled/pending/suspended/in_review
- $order_by
- The sort and order conditions (e.g. array('sort_field'=>"ASC"), optional)
- $children
True to fetch all services, including child
services, or false to fetch only services without a parent (optional, default true)
- $package_id
- The ID of the package for which to select services (optional)
array An array of stdClass objects representing services
getListCount( integer $client_id, string $status = 'active', boolean $children = true, integer $package_id = null, array $filters = [] )
Returns the total number of services for a client, useful
in constructing pagination for the getList() method.
Returns the total number of services for a client, useful
in constructing pagination for the getList() method.
- $client_id
- The client ID
- $status
The status type of the services to fetch (optional, default 'active'), one of:
- active All active services
- canceled All canceled services
- pending All pending services
- suspended All suspended services
- in_review All services that require manual review before they may become pending
- scheduled_cancellation All services scheduled to be canceled
- all All active/canceled/pending/suspended/in_review
- $children
True to fetch all services, including child
services, or false to fetch only services without a parent (optional, default true)
- $package_id
- The ID of the package for which to select services (optional)
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- client_id The client ID (optional)
- package_id The package ID (optional)
- module_id The module ID on which to filter packages (optional)
- package_name The (partial) name of the packages for which to fetch services (optional)
- service_meta The (partial) value of meta data on which to filter services (optional)
- status The status type of the services to fetch (optional, default 'active'):
- active All active services
- canceled All canceled services
- pending All pending services
- suspended All suspended services
- in_review All services that require manual review before they may become pending
- scheduled_cancellation All services scheduled to be canceled
- all All active/canceled/pending/suspended/in_review
integer The total number of services
search( string $query, integer $page = 1, boolean $search_fields = false )
Search services
- $query
- The value to search services for
- $page
- The page number of results to fetch (optional, default 1)
- $search_fields
- If true will also search service fields for the value
array An array of services that match the search criteria
getSearchCount( string $query, boolean $search_fields = false )
Return the total number of services returned from Services::search(), useful
in constructing pagination
Return the total number of services returned from Services::search(), useful
in constructing pagination
- $query
- The value to search services for
- $search_fields
- True to search service fields for the given $query value, or false to not search them
integer The number of results
hasParent( integer $service_id )
Determines whether a service has a parent services of the given status
Determines whether a service has a parent services of the given status
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to check
boolean True if the service has a parent, false otherwise
hasChildren( integer $service_id, string $status = null )
Determines whether a service has any child services of the given status
Determines whether a service has any child services of the given status
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to check
- $status
The status of any child services to filter on
(e.g. "active", "canceled", "pending", "suspended", "in_review", or
null for any status) (optional, default null)
boolean True if the service has children, false otherwise
getAllChildren( integer $parent_service_id, string $status = 'all' )
Retrieves a list of all services that are child of the given parent service ID
Retrieves a list of all services that are child of the given parent service ID
- $parent_service_id
- The ID of the parent service whose child services to fetch
- $status
The status type of the services to fetch (optional, default 'all'):
- active All active services
- canceled All canceled services
- pending All pending services
- suspended All suspended services
- in_review All services that require manual review before they may become pending
- scheduled_cancellation All services scheduled to be canceled
- all All active/canceled/pending/suspended/in_review
array A list of stdClass objects representing each child service
getAllChildrenCount( integer $parent_service_id, string $status = 'all' )
Retrieves the total number of add-on/children services for the given parent service ID
Retrieves the total number of add-on/children services for the given parent service ID
- $parent_service_id
- The ID of the parent service whose add-on-children services to count
- $status
The status type of the services to fetch (optional, default 'all'):
- active All active services
- canceled All canceled services
- pending All pending services
- suspended All suspended services
- in_review All services that require manual review before they may become pending
- scheduled_cancellation All services scheduled to be canceled
- all All active/canceled/pending/suspended/in_review
integer The total number of child services
getNextInvoiceDate( integer $service_id, string $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )
Retrieves the date on which the next invoice is expected to be generated for a service
Retrieves the date on which the next invoice is expected to be generated for a service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service whose next invoice date to fetch
- $format
- The date format to return the date in (optional, default 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
mixed The next expected invoice date in UTC, or null if no further invoices are expected to be generated
getAllRenewing( integer $client_group_id )
Retrieves a list of services ready to be renewed for this client group
Retrieves a list of services ready to be renewed for this client group
- $client_group_id
- The client group ID to fetch renewing services from
array A list of stdClass objects representing services set ready to be renewed
getAllRenewablePaid( string $date )
Retrieves a list of renewable paid services
Retrieves a list of renewable paid services
- $date
- The date after which to fetch paid renewable services
array A list of services that have been paid and may be processed
getAllPaidPending( integer $client_group_id )
Retrieves a list of paid pending services
Retrieves a list of paid pending services
- $client_group_id
- The ID of the client group whose paid pending invoices to fetch
array A list of services that have been paid and are still pending
getAllPendingSuspension( integer $client_group_id, string $suspension_date )
Retrieves a list of services ready to be suspended
Retrieves a list of services ready to be suspended
- $client_group_id
- The ID of the client group
- $suspension_date
- The date before which service would be considered suspended
array A list of stdClass objects representing services pending suspension
getAllPendingUnsuspension( integer $client_group_id )
Retrieves a list of paid suspended services ready to be unsuspended. Will
only return services that were automatically suspended (not manually
suspended by a staff member).
Retrieves a list of paid suspended services ready to be unsuspended. Will
only return services that were automatically suspended (not manually
suspended by a staff member).
- $client_group_id
- The ID of the client group
array A list of stdClass objects representing services pending unsuspension
getAllPendingCancelation( )
Retrieves a list of services ready to be canceled
Retrieves a list of services ready to be canceled
array A list of stdClass objects representing services pending cancelation
searchServiceFields( integer $module_id, string $key, string $value )
Searches services of the given module that contains the given service
field key/value pair.
Searches services of the given module that contains the given service
field key/value pair.
- $module_id
- The ID of the module to search services on
- $key
- They service field key to search
- $value
- The service field value to search
array An array of stdClass objects, each containing a service
getPricingInfo( integer $service_id, string $currency_code = null )
Fetches the pricing information for a service
Fetches the pricing information for a service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service whose pricing info te fetch
- $currency_code
The ISO 4217 currency code to convert
pricing to (optional, defaults to service's currency)
mixed An stdClass object representing service pricing fields, or false if none exist
get( integer $service_id )
Fetch a single service, including service field data
Fetch a single service, including service field data
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to fetch
mixed A stdClass object representing the service, false if no such service exists
getPackagePricing( integer $pricing_id )
Get package pricing
mixed stdClass object representing the package pricing, false otherwise
add( array $vars, array $packages = null, boolean $notify = false )
Adds a new service to the system
Adds a new service to the system
- $vars
An array of service info including:
- parent_service_id The ID of the service this service is a child of (optional)
- package_group_id The ID of the package group this service was added from (optional)
- pricing_id The package pricing schedule ID for this service
- client_id The ID of the client to add the service under
- module_row_id The module row to add the service under (optional, default module will decide)
- coupon_id The ID of the coupon used for this service (optional)
- qty The quanity consumed by this service (optional, default 1)
- override_price The price to set for this service, overriding the
package pricing value for the selected term (optional, default null)
- override_currency The currency to set for this service,
overriding the package pricing value for the selected term (optional, default null)
- status The status of this service (optional, default 'pending'):
- active
- canceled
- pending
- suspended
- in_review
- suspension_reason The reason a service is being suspended
- date_added The date this service is added (default to today's date UTC)
- date_renews The date the service renews (optional, default calculated by package term)
- date_last_renewed The date the service last renewed (optional)
- date_suspended The date the service was last suspended (optional)
- date_canceled The date the service was last canceled (optional)
- use_module Whether or not to use the module when creating the
service ('true','false', default 'true', forced 'false' if status is 'pending' or 'in_review')
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs of package options
where the key is the package option ID and the value is the option value (optional)
- Any other service field data to pass to the module
- $packages
An array of packages ordered along with this service to determine
if the given coupon may be applied given in one of the following formats:
- A numerically indexed array of package IDs
- An array of package IDs and pricing IDs [packageID => pricingID]
- $notify
True to notify the client by email regarding this
service creation, false to not send any notification (optional, default false)
integer The ID of this service, void if error
edit( integer $service_id, array $vars, boolean $bypass_module = false, boolean $notify = false )
Edits a service. Only one module action may be performend at a time. For
example, you can't change the pricing_id and edit the module service
fields in a single request.
Edits a service. Only one module action may be performend at a time. For
example, you can't change the pricing_id and edit the module service
fields in a single request.
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to edit
- $vars
An array of service info:
- parent_service_id The ID of the service this service is a child of
- package_group_id The ID of the package group this service was added from
- pricing_id The package pricing schedule ID for this service
- client_id The ID of the client this service belongs to
- module_row_id The module row to add the service under
- coupon_id The ID of the coupon used for this service
- qty The quanity consumed by this service
- override_price The price to set for this service, overriding the
package pricing value for the selected term (optional, default null)
- override_currency The currency to set for this service, overriding
the package pricing value for the selected term (optional, default null)
- status The status of this service:
- active
- canceled
- pending
- suspended
- in_review
- suspension_reason The reason a service is being suspended
- date_added The date this service is added
- date_renews The date the service renews
- date_last_renewed The date the service last renewed
- date_suspended The date the service was last suspended
- date_canceled The date the service was last canceled
- use_module Whether or not to use the module for this request ('true','false', default 'true')
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs of package options where
the key is the package option ID and the value is the option value.
Defining the 'configoptions' key will update all config options.
Always include all config options if setting any, or changing the pricing_id. (optional)
- Any other service field data to pass to the module
- $bypass_module
$vars['use_module'] notifies the module of whether
or not it should internally use its module connection to process the request, however
in some instances it may be necessary to prevent the module from being notified of
the request altogether. If true, this will prevent the module from being notified of the request.
- $notify
- If true and the service is set to active will send the service activation notification
integer The ID of this service, void if error
delete( integer $service_id, integer $validate = true )
Permanently deletes a pending service from the system
Permanently deletes a pending service from the system
- $service_id
- The ID of the pending service to delete
- $validate
True to validate whether the service is capable of being deleted, or false to
permanently delete its record regardless (optional, default true)
cancel( integer $service_id, array $vars )
Schedule a service for cancellation. All cancellations requests are processed
by the cron.
Schedule a service for cancellation. All cancellations requests are processed
by the cron.
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to schedule cancellation
- $vars
An array of service info including:
- date_canceled The date the service is to be canceled. Possible values:
- 'end_of_term' Will schedule the service to be canceled at the end of the current term
- date greater than now will schedule the service to be canceled on that date
- date less than now will immediately cancel the service
- use_module Whether or not to use the module when canceling the
service, if canceling now ('true','false', default 'true')
- reapply_payments True or false, default true. When the service is canceled, line items may be
removed from related invoice(s). Any payments already applied to these invoices will be
unapplied and then reapplied to cover the cost of the remaining line items.
- notify_cancel 'true' to notify the client by email regarding this service cancellation, 'false'
to not send any notification
- cancellation_reason The reason for the service cancellation
unCancel( integer $service_id )
Removes the scheduled cancellation for the given service
Removes the scheduled cancellation for the given service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to remove scheduled cancellation from
suspend( integer $service_id, array $vars = [] )
Suspends a service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to suspend
- $vars
An array of info including:
- use_module Whether or not to use the module when suspending the service ('true','false', default 'true')
- staff_id The ID of the staff member that issued the service suspension
- suspension_reason The reason for the service suspension
unsuspend( integer $service_id, array $vars = [] )
Unsuspends a service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to unsuspend
- $vars
An array of info including:
- use_module Whether or not to use the module when unsuspending the service ('true','false', default 'true')
- staff_id The ID of the staff member that issued the service unsuspension
renew( integer $service_id )
Processes the renewal for the given service by contacting the module
(if supported by the module), to let it know that the service should be
renewed. Note: This method does not affect the renew date of the service
in Blesta, it merely notifies the module; this action takes place after
a service has been paid not when its renew date is bumped.
Processes the renewal for the given service by contacting the module
(if supported by the module), to let it know that the service should be
renewed. Note: This method does not affect the renew date of the service
in Blesta, it merely notifies the module; this action takes place after
a service has been paid not when its renew date is bumped.
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to process the renewal for
getStatusTypes( )
Retrieves a list of service status types
Retrieves a list of service status types
array Key=>value pairs of status types
getActions( string $current_status = null )
Returns all action options that can be performed for a service.
Returns all action options that can be performed for a service.
- $current_status
Set to filter actions that may be
performed if the service is in the given state options include:
- active
- suspended
- canceled
array An array of key/value pairs where each key is the action
that may be performed and the value is the friendly name for the action
setFields( integer $service_id, array $vars )
Updates the field data for the given service, removing all existing data and replacing it with the given data
Updates the field data for the given service, removing all existing data and replacing it with the given data
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to set fields on
- $vars
A numerically indexed array of field data containing:
- key The key for this field
- value The value for this key
- encrypted Whether or not this field should be encrypted ('true', 'false', default 'false')
addField( integer $service_id, array $vars )
Adds a service field for a particular service
Adds a service field for a particular service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to add to
- $vars
An array of service field info including:
- key The name of the value to add
- value The value to add
- encrypted Whether or not to encrypt the value when storing ('true', 'false', default 'false')
editField( integer $service_id, array $vars )
Edit a service field for a particular service
Edit a service field for a particular service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to edit
- $vars
An array of service field info including:
- key The name of the value to edit
- value The value to update with
- encrypted Whether or not to encrypt the value when storing ('true', 'false', default 'false')
getOptions( integer $service_id )
Returns the configurable options for the service
Returns the configurable options for the service
array An array of stdClass objects, each representing a service option
getWelcomeEmailTags( )
Returns all default welcome email tags, which are set into the email that is
delivered when a service is provisioned.
Returns all default welcome email tags, which are set into the email that is
delivered when a service is provisioned.
array A multi-dimensional array of tags where the first
dimension is the category and the second is a numeric array of tags
getNextRenewDate( string $last_renew_date, integer $term, string $period, string $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s', integer $pro_rata_day = null )
Calculates the next renew date using a given date, term, and period
Calculates the next renew date using a given date, term, and period
- $last_renew_date
The date the service last renewed. If
never renewed this should be the service add date
- $term
- The term value relating to the given period
- $period
- The period (day, week, month, year, onetime)
- $format
- The date format to return the date in (optional, default 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
- $pro_rata_day
The day of the month to prorate to. Only set
this value to fetch the prorated renew date. Only used for month/year
periods. Ignored if the $last_renew_date is on the $pro_rata_day. (optional, default null)
string The date the service renews in UTC. In the event that
the service does not renew or the renew date can not be calculated null is returned
buildServiceCouponLineItems( array $services, string $default_currency, array & $coupons, boolean $services_renew = false, array $line_items = [] )
Retrieves a list of coupons to be applied to an invoice for services,
assuming the services given are for a single client only
Retrieves a list of coupons to be applied to an invoice for services,
assuming the services given are for a single client only
- $services
- An array of stdClass objects, each representing a service
- $default_currency
- The ISO 4217 currency code for the client
- $coupons
- A reference to coupons that will need to be incremented
- $services_renew
True if all of the given $services are
renewing services, or false if all $services are new services (optional, default false)
- $line_items
An array of line items that the coupon will be
applying toward (optional but highly recommended):
- service_id The ID of the service, matching one of the given $services
- description The line item description
- qty The line item quantity
- amount The line item amount
- tax Whether or not the line item is taxable
- service_option_id The ID of the service option the line item represents, if any
- setup_fee Whether or not the line item is a setup fee
- after_cutoff Whether or not the line item is after the cutoff date
array An array of coupon line items to append to an invoice
getPresenter( integer $service_id, array $options )
Retrieves a presenter representing a set of items, discounts, and taxes for the service
Retrieves a presenter representing a set of items, discounts, and taxes for the service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service whose renewal pricing to fetch
- $options
- An array of options used to construct the presenter
getDataPresenter( integer $client_id, array $vars, array $options )
Retrieves a presenter representing a set of items, discounts, and taxes for service data
Retrieves a presenter representing a set of items, discounts, and taxes for service data
- $client_id
- The ID of the client the service data is for
- $vars
An array of input representing the new service data:
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs where each key is an
option ID and each value is the selected value
- pricing_id The ID of the new pricing selected
- qty The service quantity
- coupon_code A new coupon code to use
- parent_service_id The ID of this service's parent
- $options
- An array of options used to construct the presenter
getServiceItems( array $vars, array $options, array & $line_totals, string $currency = null, string $from_currency = null )
Gets a list of items based on the service data given and updates line totals accordingly
Gets a list of items based on the service data given and updates line totals accordingly
- $vars
A list of service data:
- client_id The ID of the client this service is for
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs where each key is an
option ID and each value is the selected value
- pricing_id The ID of the new pricing selected
- qty The service quantity
- coupon_code A new coupon code to use
- parent_service_id The ID of this service's parent
- $options
A list of options for the pricing presenter:
- recur Boolean true/false. Whether the pricing items are recurring,
or if they are being added for the first time (default false)
- includeSetupFees Whether to include applicable setup fees
- prorateStartDate Will prorate the service from this date to the prorateEndDate
- prorateEndDate Will override the otherwise calculated prorate end date
- $line_totals
A list of totals to be updated:
- subtotal
- total
- total_without_exclusive_tax
- tax A list of applicable tax totals
- discount
- $currency
- The currency to convert the total to
- $from_currency
- The currency to convert the total from
array A list of invoice items for the service
getRenewalPrice( integer $service_id, string $currency = null )
Retrieves the next expected renewal price of a service based on its current
configuration, options, and pricing
Retrieves the next expected renewal price of a service based on its current
configuration, options, and pricing
- $service_id
- The ID of the service whose renewal pricing to fetch
- $currency
- The ISO 4217 3-character currency code to convert the total to
float The next expected renewal price
getFields( integer $service_id )
Return all field data for the given service, decrypting fields where neccessary
Return all field data for the given service, decrypting fields where neccessary
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to fetch fields for
array An array of stdClass objects representing fields, containing:
- key The service field name
- value The value for this service field
- encrypted Whether or not this field was originally encrypted (1 true, 0 false)
validateStatus( string $status )
Validates a service's 'status' field
Validates a service's 'status' field
boolean True if $status is valid, false otherwise
validateUseModule( string $use_module )
Validates whether to use a module when adding/editing a service
Validates whether to use a module when adding/editing a service
boolean True if validated, false otherwise
validateEncrypted( string $encrypted )
Validates a service field's 'encrypted' field
Validates a service field's 'encrypted' field
- $encrypted
- Whether or not to encrypt
validateHasChildren( integer $service_id, string $status = null )
Validates whether the given service has children NOT of the given status
Validates whether the given service has children NOT of the given status
- $service_id
- The ID of the parent service to validate
- $status
The status of children services to ignore
(e.g. "canceled") (optional, default null to not ignore any child services)
boolean True if the service has children not of the given status, false otherwise
getFieldRules( )
Retrieves the rule set for adding/editing service fields
Retrieves the rule set for adding/editing service fields
array The rules
canSyncToParent( stdClass $pricing, stdClass $parent_pricing, integer $client_group_id )
Determines if a service should be prorated to match its parent
Determines if a service should be prorated to match its parent
- $pricing
- The new service pricing
- $parent_pricing
- The parent service pricing
- $client_group_id
- The ID of the client group this service is under
boolean Whether to synchronize a service with its parent
getChildRenewDate( stdClass $pricing, stdClass $parent_pricing, integer $client_group_id )
Determines the date a service should be prorated to so it matches its parent
Determines the date a service should be prorated to so it matches its parent
- $pricing
- The new service pricing
- $parent_pricing
- The parent service pricing
- $client_group_id
- The ID of the client group this service is under
string The expected renew date of the new service, or false if not being synchronized
isServiceOptionValueInUse( integer $option_value_id, integer $option_pricing_id = null )
Determines whether the given option value is currently in use by any non-cancelled service
Determines whether the given option value is currently in use by any non-cancelled service
- $option_value_id
- The package option value ID
- $option_pricing_id
- The package option pricing ID
boolean True if the service option value is in use by at least one service, or false otherwise
isInstanceOf( mixed $field, mixed $class )
Checks if the given $field is a reference of $class
Checks if the given $field is a reference of $class
- $field
- The field whose instance to check
- $class
- The class or instance to check against
boolean True if the $field is an instance of $class, otherwise false
validate( array $vars, array $packages = null )
Performs all validation necessary before adding a service
Performs all validation necessary before adding a service
- $vars
An array of service info including:
- parent_service_id The ID of the service this service is a child of (optional)
- package_group_id The ID of the package group this service was added from (optional)
- pricing_id The package pricing schedule ID for this service
- client_id The ID of the client to add the service under
- module_row_id The module row to add the service under (optional, default is first available)
- coupon_id The ID of the coupon used for this service (optional)
- qty The quanity consumed by this service (optional, default 1)
- status The status of this service ('active','canceled','pending','suspended', default 'pending')
- date_added The date this service is added (default to today's date UTC)
- date_renews The date the service renews (optional, default calculated by package term)
- date_last_renewed The date the service last renewed (optional)
- date_suspended The date the service was last suspended (optional)
- date_canceled The date the service was last canceled (optional)
- use_module Whether or not to use the module when creating the service ('true','false', default 'true')
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs of package options where
the key is the package option ID and the value is the option value (optional)
- Any other service field data to pass to the module
- $packages
An array of packages ordered along with this service to determine
if the given coupon may be applied given in one of the following formats:
- A numerically indexed array of package IDs
- An array of package IDs and pricing IDs [packageID => pricingID]
array $vars An array of $vars, modified by error checking
validateService( stdClass $package, array $vars )
Validates service info, including module options, for creating a service. An alternative to Services::validate()
Sets Input errors on failure
Validates service info, including module options, for creating a service. An alternative to Services::validate()
Sets Input errors on failure
- $package
- A stdClass object representing the package for the service
- $vars
An array of values to be evaluated, including:
- invoice_method The invoice method to use when creating the service, options are:
- create Will create a new invoice when adding this service
- append Will append this service to an existing invoice (see 'invoice_id')
- none Will not create any invoice
- invoice_id The ID of the invoice to append to if invoice_method is set to 'append'
- pricing_id The ID of the package pricing to use for this service
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs of package options where
the key is the package option ID and the value is the option value (optional)
- Any other service field data to pass to the module
validateServiceEdit( integer $service_id, array $vars, boolean $bypass_module = false )
Performs all validation necessary for updating a service. Sets Input errors on failure
Performs all validation necessary for updating a service. Sets Input errors on failure
- $service_id
- The ID of the service to validate
- $vars
An array of key/value pairs to be evaluated:
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs of package options where
the key is the package option ID and the value is the option value (optional)
- $bypass_module
- Whether or not to ignore the module service edit validation
validateCoupon( integer $coupon_id, array $packages = null )
Verifies if the given coupon ID can be applied to the requested packages
Verifies if the given coupon ID can be applied to the requested packages
- $coupon_id
- The ID of the coupon to validate
- $packages
An array of pacakges to confirm the coupon can be applied given
in one of the following formats:
- A numerically indexed array of package IDs
- An array of package IDs and pricing IDs [packageID => pricingID]
boolean True if the coupon can be applied, false otherwise
validateDateCanceled( string $date )
Verifies that the given date value is valid for a cancel date
Verifies that the given date value is valid for a cancel date
- $date
- The date to cancel a service or "end_of_term" to cancel at the end of the term
boolean True if $date is valid, false otherwise
validateDateRenews( string $renew_date, string $last_renew_date = null )
Verifies that the given renew date is greater than the last renew date (if available)
Verifies that the given renew date is greater than the last renew date (if available)
- $renew_date
- The date a service should renew
- $last_renew_date
- The date a service last renewed
boolean True if renew date is valid, false otherwise
validatePriceOverride( float $price )
Verifies that the given price override is in a valid format
Verifies that the given price override is in a valid format
- $price
- The price override
boolean True if the price is valid, false otherwise
validateOverrideFields( mixed $price, mixed $currency )
Verifies that the given price and currency fields have been set together
Verifies that the given price and currency fields have been set together
- $price
- The price override, or null
- $currency
- The currency override, or null
boolean True if the price and currency have been set properly together, or false otherwise
validatePricingWithOverrides( integer $pricing_id, integer $service_id, float $price, string $currency )
Verifies that the given service and pricing ID are valid with price overrides
Verifies that the given service and pricing ID are valid with price overrides
- $pricing_id
- The ID of the pricing term
- $service_id
- The ID of the service being updated
- $price
- The price override amount
- $currency
- The price override currency
boolean True if the pricing ID may be set for this service given the price overrides, or false otherwise
validateAllowed( integer $client_id, integer $pricing_id )
Verifies that the client has access to the package for the given pricing ID
Verifies that the client has access to the package for the given pricing ID
- $client_id
- The ID of the client
- $pricing_id
- The ID of the package pricing
boolean True if the client can add the package, false otherwise
validateConfigOptions( array $config_options, integer $pricing_id, array $current_options = [] )
Verifies that the given package options are valid
Verifies that the given package options are valid
- $config_options
An array of key/value pairs where each key
is the package option ID and each value is the option value
- $pricing_id
- The package pricing ID
- $current_options
An array of key/value pairs currently on the service
where each key is the package option ID and each value is the option value
boolean True if valid, false otherwise
decrementQuantity( integer $quantity, integer $pricing_id, boolean $check_only = true, mixed $current_qty = null )
Decrements the package quantity if $check_only is false, otherwise only validates
the quantity could be decremented.
Decrements the package quantity if $check_only is false, otherwise only validates
the quantity could be decremented.
- $quantity
- The quantity requested
- $pricing_id
- The pricing ID
- $check_only
- True to only verify the quantity could be decremented, false otherwise
- $current_qty
- The currenty quantity being consumed by the service
boolean true if the quantity could be (not necessarily has been) consumed, false otherwise