Methods summary
__construct( )
Initialize Payments
getBuildProcess( array $contact_info, float $amount, string $currency, array $invoice_amounts = null, array $options = null, integer $gateway_id = null )
Returns an array of HTML markup used to render capture and pay requests for non-merchant gateways
Returns an array of HTML markup used to render capture and pay requests for non-merchant gateways
- $contact_info
An array of contact info including:
- id The contact ID
- client_id The ID of the client this contact belongs to
- user_id The user ID this contact belongs to (if any)
- contact_type The type of contact
- contact_type_id The ID of the contact type
- first_name The first name on the contact
- last_name The last name on the contact
- title The title of the contact
- company The company name of the contact
- address1 The address 1 line of the contact
- address2 The address 2 line of the contact
- city The city of the contact
- state An array of state info including:
- code The 2 or 3-character state code
- name The local name of the country
- country An array of country info including:
- alpha2 The 2-character country code
- alpha3 The 3-cahracter country code
- name The english name of the country
- alt_name The local name of the country
- zip The zip/postal code of the contact
- $amount
- The amount to charge this contact
- $currency
- The current to charge
- $invoice_amounts
An array of key/value pairs where each
key represents an invoice ID and each value is the amount to apply to that invoice
- $options
An array of options including:
- description The Description of the charge
- return_url The URL to redirect users to after a successful payment
- recur An array of recurring info including:
- start_date The date/time in UTC that the recurring payment begins
- amount The amount to recur
- term The term to recur
- period The recurring period (day, week, month, year, onetime)
used in conjunction with term in order to determine the next recurring payment
- $gateway_id
The ID of the nonmerchant gateway to fetch, if
null will return all nonmerchant gateways for the currency
array An array of HTML, indexed by the gateway name
getBuildCcForm( string $currency )
Returns HTML markup used to render a custom credit card form for a merchant gateway
Returns HTML markup used to render a custom credit card form for a merchant gateway
- $currency
- The currency the payment is in
string Custom CC form HTML from the merchant
getBuildPaymentConfirmation( integer $client_id, integer $transaction_id )
Gets an Html form from the merchant gateway to use as an addition to the regular payment confirmation
pages in Blesta
Gets an Html form from the merchant gateway to use as an addition to the regular payment confirmation
pages in Blesta
- $client_id
- The ID of the client that payment confirmation is being viewed for
- $transaction_id
- The ID of the transaction being confirmed
string The Html, if any, provided by the merchant gateway for confirming payments
getBuildAuthorize( array $contact_info, float $amount, string $currency, array $invoice_amounts = null, array $options = null, integer $gateway_id = null )
Returns an array of HTML markup used to render authorization requests for non-merchant gateways
Returns an array of HTML markup used to render authorization requests for non-merchant gateways
- $contact_info
An array of contact info including:
- id The contact ID
- client_id The ID of the client this contact belongs to
- user_id The user ID this contact belongs to (if any)
- contact_type The type of contact
- contact_type_id The ID of the contact type
- first_name The first name on the contact
- last_name The last name on the contact
- title The title of the contact
- company The company name of the contact
- address1 The address 1 line of the contact
- address2 The address 2 line of the contact
- city The city of the contact
- state An array of state info including:
- code The 2 or 3-character state code
- name The local name of the country
- country An array of country info including:
- alpha2 The 2-character country code
- alpha3 The 3-cahracter country code
- name The english name of the country
- alt_name The local name of the country
- zip The zip/postal code of the contact
- $amount
- The amount to charge this contact
- $currency
- The current to charge
- $invoice_amounts
An array of key/value pairs where each
key represents an invoice ID and each value is the amount to apply to that invoice
- $options
An array of options including:
- description The Description of the charge
- return_url The URL to redirect users to after a successful payment
- recur An array of recurring info including:
- start_date The date/time in UTC that the recurring payment begins
- amount The amount to recur
- term The term to recur
- period The recurring period (day, week, month, year, onetime)
used in conjunction with term in order to determine the next recurring payment
- $gateway_id
The ID of the nonmerchant gateway to fetch, if
null will return all nonmerchant gateways for the currency
array An array of HTML, indexed by the gateway name
processPayment( integer $client_id, string $type, float $amount, string $currency, array $account_info = null, integer $account_id = null, array $options = null )
Processes a payment for the given client of the given type using the supplied details.
This method submits payment to the gateway, records the transaction, and
sends out any necessary emails
Processes a payment for the given client of the given type using the supplied details.
This method submits payment to the gateway, records the transaction, and
sends out any necessary emails
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to submit the payment for
- $type
- The type of payment to submit "cc" or "ach"
- $amount
- The amount to process
- $currency
- The ISO 4217 currency code this payment is to be processed under
- $account_info
An array of account info if no $account_id used, including:
- first_name The first name on the account
- last_name The last name on the account
- account_number The bank account number (if ach)
- routing_number The bank account routing number (if ach)
- type The bank account type (checking, savings, business_checking) (if ach)
- card_number The credit card number (if cc)
- card_exp The card expiration date in yyyymm format (if cc)
- card_security_code The card security code (if cc)
- address1 The address 1 line of the account holder
- address2 The address 2 line of the account holder
- city The city of the account holder
- state The 2 or 3 character state code
- country The 2 or 3 character country code
- zip The zip/postal code of the account holder
- $account_id
- The account ID to be used to process the payment if no $account_info given
- $options
An array of options including (optional):
- invoices An array of key/value pairs where each key represents an
invoice ID and each value is the amount to apply to that invoice (optional, may not exceed $amount)
- staff_id The ID of the staff member that processed this payment
- email_receipt If true (default true), will send an email receipt
to the client and BCC appropriate staff members
- passphrase The value used to encrypt the private key that is used to decrypt account details
object An object representing the transaction if attempted,
void otherwise. Check Payments::errors(), as some transactions may be attempted and yet still produce errors
authorizePayment( integer $client_id, string $type, float $amount, string $currency, array $account_info = null, integer $account_id = null, array $options = null )
Authorizes a payment for the given client of the given type using the supplied details.
This method submits payment to the gateway and records the transaction
Authorizes a payment for the given client of the given type using the supplied details.
This method submits payment to the gateway and records the transaction
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to authorize the payment for
- $type
The type of payment to submit "cc" or "ach",
NOTE: Only "cc" is supported, but this varaible remains for consistency (and possible future support)
- $amount
- The amount to authorize
- $currency
- The ISO 4217 currency code this payment is to be processed under
- $account_info
An array of account info if no $account_id used, including:
- first_name The first name on the account
- last_name The last name on the account
- account_number The bank account number (if ach)
- routing_number The bank account routing number (if ach)
- type The bank account type (checking, savings, business_checking) (if ach)
- card_number The credit card number (if cc)
- card_exp The card expiration date in yyyymm format (if cc)
- card_security_code The card security code (if cc)
- address1 The address 1 line of the account holder
- address2 The address 2 line of the account holder
- city The city of the account holder
- state The 2 or 3 character state code
- country The 2 or 3 character country code
- zip The zip/postal code of the account holder
- $account_id
- The account ID to be used to process the payment if no $account_info given
- $options
An array of options including (optional):
- invoices An array of key/value pairs where each key represents an
invoice ID and each value is the amount to apply to that invoice (optional, may not exceed $amount)
- staff_id The ID of the staff member that processed this payment
- email_receipt If true (default true), will send an email receipt
to the client and BCC appropriate staff members
- passphrase The value used to encrypt the private key that is used to decrypt account details
object An object representing the transaction if attempted,
void otherwise. Check Payments::errors(), as some transactions may be attempted and yet still produce errors
capturePayment( integer $client_id, integer $transaction_id, float $amount = null, array $options = null )
Captures a payment for the given client and transaction in the supplied amount.
This method submits payment to the gateway, updates the transaction, and
sends out any necessary emails
Captures a payment for the given client and transaction in the supplied amount.
This method submits payment to the gateway, updates the transaction, and
sends out any necessary emails
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to capture the payment for
- $transaction_id
- The ID of the transactiosn to capture
- $amount
- The amount to capture
- $options
An array of options including (optional):
- invoices An array of key/value pairs where each key represents an
invoice ID and each value is the amount to apply to that invoice (optional, may not exceed $amount)
- staff_id The ID of the staff member that processed this payment
- email_receipt If true (default true), will send an email receipt
to the client and BCC appropriate staff members
object An object representing the transaction if attempted,
void otherwise. Check Payments::errors(), as some transactions may be attempted and yet still produce errors
refundPayment( integer $client_id, integer $transaction_id, float $amount = null, array $options = null )
Refunds a payment for the given client and transaction in the supplied amount.
This method submits payment to the gateway and updates the transaction
Refunds a payment for the given client and transaction in the supplied amount.
This method submits payment to the gateway and updates the transaction
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to refund the payment for
- $transaction_id
- The ID of the transactiosn to refund
- $amount
- The amount to refund, defaults to the original transaction amount if not given
- $options
An array of options including (optional):
- staff_id The ID of the staff member that processed this payment
- notes Any additional notes to include with this transaction
mixed An object representing the transaction if attempted,
void otherwise. Check Payments::errors(), as some transactions may be attempted and yet still produce errors
voidPayment( integer $client_id, integer $transaction_id, array $options = null )
Voids a payment for the given client and transaction.
This method submits payment to the gateway and updates the transaction
Voids a payment for the given client and transaction.
This method submits payment to the gateway and updates the transaction
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to refund the payment for
- $transaction_id
- The ID of the transactiosn to refund
- $options
An array of options including (optional):
- staff_id The ID of the staff member that processed this payment
mixed An object representing the transaction if attempted,
void otherwise. Check Payments::errors(), as some transactions may be attempted and yet still produce errors
errors( )
Returns errors set in this object's Input object
Returns errors set in this object's Input object
mixed Boolean false if no errors encountered, an array of errors otherwise