Methods summary
__construct( )
Initialize Invoices
add( array $vars )
Creates a new invoice using the given data
Creates a new invoice using the given data
- $vars
An array of invoice data including:
- client_id The client ID the invoice belongs to
- date_billed The date the invoice goes into effect
- date_due The date the invoice is due
- date_closed The date the invoice was closed
- date_autodebit The date the invoice should be autodebited
- status 'active','draft','proforma', or 'void'
- currency The ISO 4217 3-character currency code of the invoice
- note_public Notes visible to the client
- note_private Notes visible only to staff members
- lines A numerically indexed array of line item info including:
- service_id The service ID attached to this line item (optional)
- description The line item description
- qty The quantity for this line item (min. 1)
- amount The unit cost (cost per quantity) for this line item
- tax Whether or not to tax the line item
- term The term for the recurring invoice as an integer 1-65535,
if blank will not be considered for a recurring invoice
- period The period for the recurring invoice ('day', 'week', 'month', 'year')
- duration The duration of the recurring invoice ('indefinitely'
for forever or 'times' for a set number of times)
- duration_time The number of times an invoice should recur
- recur_date_billed The date the next invoice will be created
- delivery A numerically indexed array of delivery methods
integer The invoice ID, void on error
addRecurring( array $vars )
Creates a new recurring invoice using the given data
Creates a new recurring invoice using the given data
- $vars
An array of invoice data including:
- client_id The client ID the invoice belongs to
- term The term as an integer 1-65535 (optional, default 1)
- period The period, 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'
- duration The number of times this invoice will recur or null to recur indefinitely
- date_renews The date the next invoice will be created
- currency The currency this invoice is created in
- note_public Notes visible to the client
- note_private Notes visible only to staff members
- lines A numerically indexed array of line item info including:
- description The line item description
- qty The quantity for this line item (min. 1)
- amount The unit cost (cost per quantity) for this line item
- tax Whether or not to tax the line item
- delivery A numerically indexed array of delivery methods
integer The recurring invoice ID, void on error
edit( integer $invoice_id, array $vars )
Updates an invoice using the given data. If a new line item is added, or
the quantity, unit cost, or tax status of an item is updated the
latest tax rules will be applied to this invoice.
Updates an invoice using the given data. If a new line item is added, or
the quantity, unit cost, or tax status of an item is updated the
latest tax rules will be applied to this invoice.
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to update
- $vars
An array of invoice data (all optional unless noted otherwise) including:
- client_id The client ID the invoice belongs to
- date_billed The date the invoice goes into effect
- date_due The date the invoice is due
- date_closed The date the invoice was closed
- date_autodebit The date the invoice should be autodebited
- status 'active','draft','proforma', or 'void'
- currency The ISO 4217 3-character currency code of the invoice
- note_public Notes visible to the client
- note_private Notes visible only to staff members
- lines A numerically indexed array of line item info including:
- id The ID for this line item (required to update, else will add as new)
- service_id The service ID attached to this line item
- description The line item description (if empty, along with amount, will delete line item)
- qty The quantity for this line item (min. 1)
- amount The unit cost (cost per quantity) for this line item
(if empty, along with description, will delete line item)
- tax Whether or not to tax the line item
- term If editing a draft, the term for the recurring invoice as an
integer 1-65535, if blank will not be considered for a recurring invoice
- period If editing a draft, the period for the recurring invoice ('day', 'week', 'month', 'year')
- duration If editing a draft, the duration of the recurring invoice
('indefinitely' for forever or 'times' for a set number of times)
- duration_time If editing a draft, the number of times an invoice should recur
- recur_date_billed If editing a draft, the date the next invoice will be created
- delivery A numerically indexed array of delivery methods
integer The invoice ID, void on error
editRecurring( integer $invoice_recur_id, array $vars )
Updates a recurring invoice using the given data. If a new line item is added, or
the quantity, unit cost, or tax status of an item is updated the
latest tax rules will be applied to this invoice.
Updates a recurring invoice using the given data. If a new line item is added, or
the quantity, unit cost, or tax status of an item is updated the
latest tax rules will be applied to this invoice.
- $invoice_recur_id
- The ID of the recurring invoice to update
- $vars
An array of invoice data (all optional) including:
- client_id The client ID the recurring invoice belongs to
- term The term as an integer 1-65535 (optional, default 1)
- period The period, 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'
- duration The number of times this invoice will recur or null to recur indefinitely
- date_renews The date the next invoice will be created
- date_last_renewed The date the last invoice was created (optional) - not recommended to overwrite this value
- currency The currency this invoice is created in
- note_public Notes visible to the client
- note_private Notes visible only to staff members
- lines A numerically indexed array of line item info including:
- id The ID for this line item (required to update, else will add as new)
- description The line item description (if empty, along with amount, will delete line item)
- qty The quantity for this line item (min. 1)
- amount The unit cost (cost per quantity) for this line item
(if empty, along with description, will delete line item)
- tax Whether or not to tax the line item
- delivery A numerically indexed array of delivery methods
integer The recurring invoice ID, void on error
addFromRecurring( integer $invoice_recur_id, array $client_settings = null )
Creates a new invoice if the given recurring invoice is set to be renewed
Creates a new invoice if the given recurring invoice is set to be renewed
- $invoice_recur_id
- The recurring invoice ID
- $client_settings
- A list of client settings belonging to this invoice's client (optional)
boolean True if any invoices were created from this recurring invoice, false otherwise
deleteDraft( integer $invoice_id )
Permanently deletes a draft invoice
Permanently deletes a draft invoice
- $invoice_id
- The invoice ID of the draft invoice to delete
deleteByClient( integer $client_id )
Permanently deletes all invoices for the given client
Permanently deletes all invoices for the given client
- $client_id
- The ID of the client whose invoices to purge
deleteRecurring( integer $invoice_recur_id )
Permanently removes a recurring invoice from the system
Permanently removes a recurring invoice from the system
- $invoice_recur_id
- The ID of the recurring invoice to delete
deleteRecurringByClient( integer $client_id )
Permanently deletes all recurring invoices for the given client
Permanently deletes all recurring invoices for the given client
- $client_id
- The ID of the client whose recurring invoices to purge
createFromServices( integer $client_id, array $service_ids, string $currency, string $due_date, boolean $allow_pro_rata = true, boolean $services_renew = false )
Creates an invoice from a set of services
Creates an invoice from a set of services
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to create the invoice for
- $service_ids
- A numerically-indexed array of service IDs to generate line items from
- $currency
- The currency code to use to generate the invoice
- $due_date
- The date the invoice is to be due
- $allow_pro_rata
True to allow the services to be priced
considering the package pro rata details, or false otherwise (optional, default true)
- $services_renew
True if all of the given $service_ids are
renewing services, or false if all $service_ids are new services (optional, default false)
integer $invoice_id The ID of the invoice generated
appendServices( integer $invoice_id, array $service_ids )
Edits an invoice to append a set of service IDs as line items
Edits an invoice to append a set of service IDs as line items
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to append to
- $service_ids
- A numerically-indexed array of service IDs to generate line items from
integer $invoice_id The ID of the invoice updated
setClosed( integer $invoice_id )
Sets the invoice to closed if the invoice has been paid in full, otherwise
removes any closed status previously set on the invoice. Only invoices with
status of 'active' can be closed.
Sets the invoice to closed if the invoice has been paid in full, otherwise
removes any closed status previously set on the invoice. Only invoices with
status of 'active' can be closed.
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to close or unclose
boolean True if the invoice was closed, false otherwise
get( integer $invoice_id )
Fetches the given invoice
Fetches the given invoice
since v4.6.0 - The properties of some data returned by this method are deprecated:
- line_items
- taxes_applied
- tax_subtotal
- tax_total
- total
- total_w_tax
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to fetch
mixed A stdClass object containing invoice information, false if no such invoice exists
getRecurring( integer $invoice_recur_id )
Fetches the given recurring invoice
Fetches the given recurring invoice
- $invoice_recur_id
- The ID of the recurring invoice to fetch
mixed A stdClass object containing recurring invoice
information, false if no such recurring invoice exists
getRecurringFromInvoices( integer $invoice_id )
Fetches the recurring invoice record that produced the given invoice ID
Fetches the recurring invoice record that produced the given invoice ID
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice created by a recurring invoice
mixed A stdClass object representing the recurring invoice, false if no such recurring
invoice exists or the invoice was not created from a recurring invoice
getTaxTotals( float $line_subtotal, array $taxes )
Calculates the amount of tax for each tax rule given that applies to
the given line sub total (which is unit cost * quantity).
Also returns the line total including inclusive tax rules as well as the total with all tax rules
Calculates the amount of tax for each tax rule given that applies to
the given line sub total (which is unit cost * quantity).
Also returns the line total including inclusive tax rules as well as the total with all tax rules
since v4.6.0 - use \Blesta\Core\Pricing\ library
- $line_subtotal
- The subtotal (quanity * unit cost) for the line item
- $taxes
- An array of stdClass objects each representing a tax rule to be applied to the line subtotal
array An array containing the following:
- tax An array of tax rule applied amounts
- tax_subtotal The tax subtotal (all inclusive taxes applied)
- tax_total All taxes applied (inclusive and exclusive)
- line_total The total for the line including inclusive taxes
- line_total_w_tax The total for the line including all taxes (inclusive and exclusive)
getLineItems( integer $invoice_id )
Fetches all line items belonging to the given invoice
Fetches all line items belonging to the given invoice
since v4.6.0 - The properties of some data returned by this method are deprecated:
- taxes_applied
- tax_subtotal
- tax_total
- total
- total_w_tax
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to fetch line items for
array An array of stdClass objects each representing a line item
getRecurringLineItems( integer $invoice_recur_id )
Fetches all line items belonging to the given recurring invoice
Fetches all line items belonging to the given recurring invoice
- $invoice_recur_id
- The ID of the recurring invoice to fetch line items for
array An array of stdClass objects each representing a line item
getList( integer $client_id = null, string $status = 'open', integer $page = 1, array $order_by = ['date_due' => 'ASC'], array $filters = [] )
Fetches a list of invoices for a client
Fetches a list of invoices for a client
- $client_id
- The client ID (optional, default null to get invoices for all clients)
- $status
The status type of the invoices to fetch (optional, default 'open') one of the following:
- open Fetches all active open invoices
- closed Fetches all closed invoices
- past_due Fetches all active past due invoices
- draft Fetches all invoices with a status of "draft"
- void Fetches all invoices with a status of "void"
- active Fetches all invoices with a status of "active"
- proforma Fetches all invoices with a status of "proforma"
- to_autodebit Fetches all invoices that are ready to be autodebited
now, and which can be with an active client and payment account to do so
- pending_autodebit Fetches all invoice that are set to be
autodebited in the future, and which have an active client and payment account to do so with
- to_print Fetches all paper invoices set to be printed
- printed Fetches all paper invoices that have been set as printed
- pending Fetches all active invoices that have not been billed for yet
- to_deliver Fetches all invoices set to be delivered by a
method other than paper (i.e. deliverable invoices not in the list of those "to_print")
- all Fetches all invoices
- $page
- The page to return results for (optional, default 1)
- $order_by
- The sort and order conditions (e.g. array('sort_field'=>"ASC"), optional)
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- invoice_number The invoice number on which to filter invoices
- currency The currency code on which to filter invoices
- invoice_line The (partial) description of the invoice line on which to filter invoices
array An array of stdClass objects containing invoice information, or false if no invoices exist
getListCount( integer $client_id = null, string $status = 'open', array $filters = [] )
Returns the total number of invoices returned from Invoices::getClientList(), useful
in constructing pagination for the getList() method.
Returns the total number of invoices returned from Invoices::getClientList(), useful
in constructing pagination for the getList() method.
- $client_id
- The client ID (optional, default null to get invoice count for all clients)
- $status
The status type of the invoices to fetch (optional, default 'open') one of the following:
- open Fetches all active open invoices
- closed Fetches all closed invoices
- past_due Fetches all active past due invoices
- draft Fetches all invoices with a status of "draft"
- void Fetches all invoices with a status of "void"
- active Fetches all invoices with a status of "active"
- proforma Fetches all invoices with a status of "proforma"
- to_autodebit Fetches all invoices that are ready to be autodebited
now, and which can be with an active client and payment account to do so
- pending_autodebit Fetches all invoice that are set to be
autodebited in the future, and which have an active client and payment account to do so with
- to_print Fetches all paper invoices set to be printed
- printed Fetches all paper invoices that have been set as printed
- pending Fetches all active invoices that have not been billed for yet
- to_deliver Fetches all invoices set to be delivered by a method
other than paper (i.e. deliverable invoices not in the list of those "to_print")
- all Fetches all invoices
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- invoice_number The invoice number on which to filter invoices
- currency The currency code on which to filter invoices
- invoice_line The (partial) description of the invoice line on which to filter invoices
integer The total number of invoices
getAll( integer $client_id = null, string $status = 'open', array $order_by = ['date_due' => 'ASC'], string $currency = null )
Fetches all invoices for a client
Fetches all invoices for a client
- $client_id
- The client ID (optional, default null to get invoices for all clients)
- $status
The status type of the invoices to fetch (optional, default 'open') one of the following:
- open Fetches all active open invoices
- closed Fetches all closed invoices
- past_due Fetches all active past due invoices
- draft Fetches all invoices with a status of "draft"
- void Fetches all invoices with a status of "void"
- active Fetches all invoices with a status of "active"
- proforma Fetches all invoices with a status of "proforma"
- to_autodebit Fetches all invoices that are ready to be autodebited
now, and which can be with an active client and payment account to do so
- pending_autodebit Fetches all invoice that are set to be
autodebited in the future, and which have an active client and payment account to do so with
- to_print Fetches all paper invoices set to be printed
- printed Fetches all paper invoices that have been set as printed
- pending Fetches all active invoices that have not been billed for yet
- to_deliver Fetches all invoices set to be delivered by a method
other than paper (i.e. deliverable invoices not in the list of those "to_print")
- all Fetches all invoices
- $order_by
- The sort and order conditions (e.g. array('sort_field'=>"ASC"), optional)
- $currency
- The currency code to limit results on (null = any currency)
array An array of stdClass objects containing invoice information
getAllWithService( integer $service_id, integer $client_id = null, string $status = 'open', array $order_by = ['date_due' => 'ASC'] )
Fetches all invoices that contain the given service
Fetches all invoices that contain the given service
- $service_id
- The ID of the service whose invoices to fetch
- $client_id
- The client ID (optional, default null to get invoices for all clients)
- $status
The status type of the invoices to fetch (optional, default 'open') one of the following:
- open Fetches all active open invoices
- closed Fetches all closed invoices
- past_due Fetches all active past due invoices
- draft Fetches all invoices with a status of "draft"
- void Fetches all invoices with a status of "void"
- active Fetches all invoices with a status of "active"
- proforma Fetches all invoices with a status of "proforma"
- to_autodebit Fetches all invoices that are ready to be autodebited
now, and which can be with an active client and payment account to do so
- pending_autodebit Fetches all invoice that are set to be
autodebited in the future, and which have an active client and payment account to do so with
- to_print Fetches all paper invoices set to be printed
- printed Fetches all paper invoices that have been set as printed
- pending Fetches all active invoices that have not been billed for yet
- to_deliver Fetches all invoices set to be delivered by a
method other than paper (i.e. deliverable invoices not in the list of those "to_print")
- all Fetches all invoices
- $order_by
- The sort and order conditions (e.g. array('sort_field'=>"ASC"), optional)
getAllAutodebitableInvoices( integer $client_group_id, boolean $pending = false, string $days = 'autodebit_days_before_due' )
Fetches all invoices for this company that are autodebitable by their respective clients
Fetches all invoices for this company that are autodebitable by their respective clients
- $client_group_id
- The client group ID
- $pending
True to fetch all invoices that will be ready to
autodebit in the future, or false to fetch all invoices ready to be
autodebited (optional, default false)
- $days
The number of days before invoices are to be autodebited:
- autodebit_days_before_due Use the autodebit days before due setting
- notice_pending_autodebit Use the autodebit days before due setting plus the notice pending autodebit setting
array An array of client IDs, each containing an array of
stdClass objects representing invoice information
search( string $query, integer $page = 1 )
Search invoices
- $query
- The value to search invoices for
- $page
- The page number of results to fetch (optional, default 1)
array An array of invoices that match the search criteria
getSearchCount( string $query )
Return the total number of invoices returned from Invoices::search(), useful
in constructing pagination
Return the total number of invoices returned from Invoices::search(), useful
in constructing pagination
- $query
- The value to search invoices for
getAllRecurring( integer $client_id = null )
Fetches all recurring invoices for a client
Fetches all recurring invoices for a client
- $client_id
- The client ID (optional, default null to get recurring invoices for all clients)
array An array of stdClass objects containing recurring invoice information
getAllRenewingRecurring( integer $client_group_id )
Fetches all renewing recurring invoices. That is, where the date_renews
is <= current date + the maximum invoice days before renewal for the
current client group and the recurring invoice has not already created all
invoices to be created.
Fetches all renewing recurring invoices. That is, where the date_renews
is <= current date + the maximum invoice days before renewal for the
current client group and the recurring invoice has not already created all
invoices to be created.
- $client_group_id
- The ID of the client group whose renewing recurring invoices to fetch
array An array of stdClass objects, each representing a recurring invoice
getRecurringList( integer $client_id = null, integer $page = 1, array $order = ['id' => 'asc'], array $filters = [] )
Fetches a list of recurring invoices for a client
Fetches a list of recurring invoices for a client
- $client_id
- The client ID (optional, default null to get recurring invoices for all clients)
- $page
- The page to return results for
- $order
The fields and direction to order by. Key/value
pairs where key is the field and value is the direction (asc/desc)
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- invoice_number The invoice number on which to filter invoices
- currency The currency code on which to filter invoices
- invoice_line The (partial) description of the invoice line on which to filter invoices
array An array of stdClass objects containing recurring invoice information
getRecurringListCount( integer $client_id, array $filters = [] )
Return the total number of recurring invoices returned from Invoices::getRecurringList(), useful
in constructing pagination for the getList() method.
Return the total number of recurring invoices returned from Invoices::getRecurringList(), useful
in constructing pagination for the getList() method.
- $client_id
- The client ID
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- invoice_number The invoice number on which to filter invoices
- currency The currency code on which to filter invoices
- invoice_line The (partial) description of the invoice line on which to filter invoices
integer The total number of recurring invoices
getRecurringInfo( integer $invoice_id )
Evaluates the given invoice, performs necessary looks ups to determine if
the invoice is for a recurring invoice or service. Returns the term and
period for the recurring invoice or service.
Evaluates the given invoice, performs necessary looks ups to determine if
the invoice is for a recurring invoice or service. Returns the term and
period for the recurring invoice or service.
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice
mixed boolean false if the invoice is not for a recurring
service or invoice, otherwise an array of recurring info including:
- amount The amount to recur
- term The term to recur
- period The recurring period (day, week, month, year, onetime)
used in conjunction with term in order to determine the next recurring payment
getPricingPeriods( )
Retrieves a list of recurring invoice periods
Retrieves a list of recurring invoice periods
array Key=>value pairs of recurring invoice pricing periods
getAutodebitDate( integer $invoice_id )
Retrieves the date that the given invoice should be autodebited. This considers
current client settings and autodebit accounts.
Retrieves the date that the given invoice should be autodebited. This considers
current client settings and autodebit accounts.
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice
mixed A string representing the UTC date that this invoice
will be autodebited, or false if the invoice cannot be autodebited
getStatusCount( integer $client_id = null, string $status = 'open', array $filters = [] )
Retrieves the number of invoices given an invoice status for the given client
Retrieves the number of invoices given an invoice status for the given client
- $client_id
- The client ID (optional, default null to get invoice count for company)
- $status
The status type of the invoices to fetch (optional, default 'open') one of the following:
- open Fetches all active open invoices
- closed Fetches all closed invoices
- past_due Fetches all active past due invoices
- draft Fetches all invoices with a status of "draft"
- void Fetches all invoices with a status of "void"
- active Fetches all invoices with a status of "active"
- proforma Fetches all invoices with a status of "proforma"
- to_print Fetches all paper invoices set to be printed
- printed Fetches all paper invoices that have been set as printed
- pending Fetches all active invoices that have not been billed for yet
- to_deliver Fetches all invoices set to be delivered by a method
other than paper (i.e. deliverable invoices not in the list of those "to_print")
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- invoice_number The invoice number on which to filter invoices
- currency The currency code on which to filter invoices
- invoice_line The (partial) description of the invoice line on which to filter invoices
integer The number of invoices of type $status for $client_id
getRecurringCount( integer $client_id = null, array $filters = [] )
Retrieves the number of recurring invoices for the given client
Retrieves the number of recurring invoices for the given client
- $client_id
- The client ID (optional, default null to get recurring invoice count for company)
- $filters
A list of parameters to filter by, including:
- invoice_number The invoice number on which to filter invoices
- currency The currency code on which to filter invoices
- invoice_line The (partial) description of the invoice line on which to filter invoices
integer The number of recurring invoices for $client_id
getPresenter( integer $invoice_id )
Retrieves a presenter representing a set of items and taxes for the invoice
Retrieves a presenter representing a set of items and taxes for the invoice
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice whose pricing to fetch
getDataPresenter( integer $client_id, array $vars )
Retrieves a presenter representing a set of items and taxes for invoice data
Retrieves a presenter representing a set of items and taxes for invoice data
- $client_id
- The ID of the client the invoice data is for
- $vars
An array of input representing the new invoice data
- date_billed The date the invoice is to be billed
- date_due The date the invoice is to be due
- autodebit 1 or 0, whether or not the invoice can be autodebited
- status The invoice status (e.g. 'active')
- currency The ISO 4217 3-character currency code
- lines A numerically-indexed array of arrays, each representing a line item
- service_id The ID of the service this line item correlates to, if any
- description The line item description
- qty The line item quantity
- amount The line item unit cost
- tax "true" if the line item is taxable
getDelivery( integer $invoice_id, boolean $sent = null )
Fetches all invoice delivery methods this invoice is assigned
Fetches all invoice delivery methods this invoice is assigned
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice
- $sent
True to get only invoice delivery records that have
been sent, or false to get only delivery records that have not been sent (optional, defaults to fetch all)
array An array of stdClass objects containing invoice delivery log information
getAllDelivery( array $invoice_ids = null, string $delivery_method = null, string $status = 'all' )
Fetches all invoice delivery records assigned to each of the given invoice IDs
Fetches all invoice delivery records assigned to each of the given invoice IDs
- $invoice_ids
- A list of invoice IDs (optional)
- $delivery_method
- The delivery method to filter by (e.g. "email"), (optional)
- $status
The delivery status, either "all" for all, "unsent"
for deliveries not marked sent, or "sent" for deliveries marked sent (optional, default "all")
array An array of stdClass objects containing invoice delivery log information
getRecurringDelivery( integer $invoice_recur_id )
Fetches all invoice delivery methods this recurring invoice is assigned
Fetches all invoice delivery methods this recurring invoice is assigned
- $invoice_recur_id
- The ID of the recurring invoice
array An array of stdClass objects containing invoice delivery log information
addDelivery( integer $invoice_id, array $vars, integer $client_id )
Adds the invoice delivery status for the given invoice
Adds the invoice delivery status for the given invoice
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to update delivery status for
- $vars
An array of invoice delivery information including:
- method The delivery method
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to add the delivery method under
integer The invoice delivery ID, void on error
addRecurringDelivery( integer $invoice_recur_id, array $vars, integer $client_id )
Adds the invoice delivery status for the given recurring invoice
Adds the invoice delivery status for the given recurring invoice
- $invoice_recur_id
- The ID of the recurring invoice to update delivery status for
- $vars
An array of invoice delivery information including:
- method The delivery method
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to add the delivery method under
integer The recurring invoice delivery ID, void on error
getDeliveryList( string $method = null, integer $page = 1, array $order_by = ['date_sent' => 'DESC'] )
Fetches a list of invoice deliveries for the currently active company
Fetches a list of invoice deliveries for the currently active company
- $method
- The delivery method to filter by (optional, default null for all)
- $page
- The page to return results for (optional, default 1)
- $order_by
- The sort and order conditions (e.g. array('sort_field'=>"ASC"), optional)
getDeliveryListCount( string $method = null )
Retrieves the total number of invoice deliveries for the currently active company
Retrieves the total number of invoice deliveries for the currently active company
- $method
- The delivery method to filter by (optional, default null for all)
integer The total number of invoice deliveries
getDeliveryMethods( integer $client_id = null, integer $client_group_id = null, boolean $enabled = true )
Fetches all invoice delivery methods that are supported or enabled for this company
Fetches all invoice delivery methods that are supported or enabled for this company
- $client_id
- The ID of the client to fetch the delivery methods for
- $client_group_id
The ID of the client group to fetch the
delivery methods for if $client_id is not given
- $enabled
If true, will only return delivery methods that
are enabled for this company, else all supported methods are returned
array An array of delivery methods in key/value pairs
delivered( integer $invoice_delivery_id, integer $company_id = null )
Marks the delivery status as sent
Marks the delivery status as sent
- $invoice_delivery_id
- The ID of the delivery item to mark as sent
- $company_id
The ID of the company whose invoice to mark
delivered. Invoices not belonging to the given company will be
ignored (optional, default null to not check the invoice company)
deleteDelivery( integer $invoice_delivery_id )
Removes the invoice delivery record
Removes the invoice delivery record
- $invoice_delivery_id
- The ID of the delivery item to delete
deleteRecurringDelivery( integer $invoice_delivery_id )
Removes the recurring invoice delivery record
Removes the recurring invoice delivery record
- $invoice_delivery_id
- The ID of the recurring delivery item to delete
amountDue( integer $client_id, string $currency, string $status = 'open' )
Calculates the client's amount due in the given currency. This sums all
existing open invoices for the given currency.
Calculates the client's amount due in the given currency. This sums all
existing open invoices for the given currency.
- $client_id
- The client ID to calculate on
- $currency
- The ISO 4217 3-character currency code
- $status
The status type of the invoices whose amount due
to fetch (optional, default 'open') one of the following:
- open Fetches all active open invoices
- closed Fetches all closed invoices
- past_due Fetches all active past due invoices
- draft Fetches all invoices with a status of "draft"
- void Fetches all invoices with a status of "void"
- active Fetches all invoices with a status of "active"
- proforma Fetches all invoices with a status of "proforma"
- to_autodebit Fetches all invoices that are ready to be autodebited
now, and which can be with an active client and payment account to do so
- pending_autodebit Fetches all invoice that are set to be
autodebited in the future, and which have an active client and payment account to do so with
- to_print Fetches all paper invoices set to be printed
- printed Fetches all paper invoices that have been set as printed
- pending Fetches all active invoices that have not been billed for yet
- to_deliver Fetches all invoices set to be delivered by a method
other than paper (i.e. deliverable invoices not in the list of those "to_print")
- all Fetches all invoices
float The amount due
invoicedCurrencies( integer $client_id, string $status = 'active' )
Returns an array of all currency the given client has been invoiced in
Returns an array of all currency the given client has been invoiced in
- $client_id
- $status
The status type of the invoices to fetch
(optional, default 'active') - ['open','closed','past_due','draft',
'proforma','void','active'] (or 'all' for all active/draft/proforma/void)
array An array of stdClass objects, each representing a currency in use
getSubtotal( integer $invoice_id )
Calculates the subtotal of the given invoice ID
Calculates the subtotal of the given invoice ID
since v4.6.0 - use \Blesta\Core\Pricing\
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to calculate the subtotal of
float The subtotal of the invoice
getTotal( integer $invoice_id )
Calculates the total (subtotal + tax) of the given invoice ID
Calculates the total (subtotal + tax) of the given invoice ID
since v4.6.0 - use \Blesta\Core\Pricing\
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to calculate the total of
float The total of the invoice
makeLinesFromItems( array $vars )
Creates a list of line items from the given set of items, discounts, and taxes
Creates a list of line items from the given set of items, discounts, and taxes
since v4.1.0
- $vars
A key/value array, including:
- items An array of stdClass items from which to create the line items, each including:
- description The line item description to set
- price The unit price of the line item
- qty The line quantity
- discounts An array of stdClass discounts applied to the line, including:
- description The coupon description
- amount The amount of discount
- type The type of discount
- total The total amount discounted from the line
- taxes An array of stdClass taxes applied to the line, including:
- description The tax description
- amount The amount of tax
- type The type of tax
- total The total amount taxed from the line
array An array of line items, each including:
- service_id The ID of the service to which the line belongs
- description The line description
- qty The line quantity
- amount The unit price
- order The line item order relative to other line items
- tax True or false, whether the item is taxable
getItemTotals( array $items, array $discounts = [], array $taxes = [] )
Retrieves a list of items and their totals
Retrieves a list of items and their totals
since 4.0.0 - Use Blesta\Core\Pricing...
- $items
An array of items including:
- price The unit price of the item
- qty The item quantity (optional, default 1)
- description The item description (optional)
- $discounts
An array of applicable discounts including (optional):
- amount The discount amount
- type The discount type ('amount' or 'percent')
- description The discount description (optional)
- apply An array of item indexes to which the discount applies (optional, defaults to all)
- $taxes
An array containing arrays of applicable taxes where each array group
represents taxes to cascade on each other; including (optional):
- amount The tax amount
- type The tax type ('exclusive' or 'inclusive')
- description The tax description (optional)
- apply An array of item indexes to which the tax applies (optional, defaults to all)
array An array containing:
- items An array of items and pricing information about each item
- totals An array of pricing information about all items
- discounts An array of discounts
- taxes An array of taxes
getPaid( integer $invoice_id )
Calculates the total paid on the given invoice ID
Calculates the total paid on the given invoice ID
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to calculate the total paid on
float The total paid on the invoice
getStatuses( )
Retrieves a list of invoice statuses and language
Retrieves a list of invoice statuses and language
array A key/value array of statuses and their language
getTypes( )
Fetches the available invoice types
Fetches the available invoice types
array A key/value array of invoice types
validateStatus( string $status )
Validates the invoice 'status' field
Validates the invoice 'status' field
- $status
- The status to check
boolean True if validated, false otherwise
validateIsDraft( integer $invoice_id )
Validates that the given invoice is a draft invoice
Validates that the given invoice is a draft invoice
- $invoice_id
- The invoice ID
boolean True if the given invoice is a draft, and false otherwise
validateDeliveryMethods( array $methods = null )
Validates that the delivery options match the available set
Validates that the delivery options match the available set
- $methods
- A key=>value array of delivery methods (e.g. "email"=>true)
boolean True if at least one delivery method was given, false otherwise
validateAmountApplied( integer $invoice_id )
Checks if the given invoice has any payments applied to it
Checks if the given invoice has any payments applied to it
- $invoice_id
- The invoice ID to check
boolean True if the invoice has payments applied to it, false otherwise
validateDateDueAfterDateBilled( string $date_due, string $date_billed )
Validates that the given date due is on or after the date billed
Validates that the given date due is on or after the date billed
- $date_due
- The date the invoice is due
- $date_billed
- The date the invoice is billed
boolean True if the date due is on or after the date billed, false otherwise
validateDuration( mixed $duration )
Validates the recurring invoice duration
Validates the recurring invoice duration
- $duration
An integer idenfying the number of the times the
recurring invoice should recur, null for indefinitely
boolean True if the duration is valid, false otherwise
validatePeriod( string $period )
Validates the recurring invoice period
Validates the recurring invoice period
boolean True if validated, false otherwise
isInstanceOf( mixed $field, mixed $class )
Checks if the given $field is a reference of $class
Checks if the given $field is a reference of $class
- $field
- The field to check
- $class
- The class or instance to check against
boolean True if the $field is an instance of $class, or false otherwise
primeQuantity( mixed $qty )
Converts quantity to a float, if no qty is set, a value of 1 is assumed.
Converts quantity to a float, if no qty is set, a value of 1 is assumed.
- $qty
- The quantity to be primed, may be an integer, float, or fractional string
float The quanity rounded to 4 decimal places
getTaxRules( integer $client_id )
Retrieves all active tax rules that apply to the given client
Retrieves all active tax rules that apply to the given client
array A numerically indexed array of stdClass objects each
representing a tax rule to apply to this client
getTaxRulesByLocation( integer $company_id, string $country, string $state )
Retrieves all active tax rules that apply to the given company and location
Retrieves all active tax rules that apply to the given company and location
- $company_id
- The ID of the company to fetch tax rules on
- $country
- The ISO 3166-1 alpha2 country code to fetch tax rules on
- $state
- 3166-2 alpha-numeric subdivision code to fetch tax rules on
array A numerically indexed array of stdClass objects each
representing a tax rule to apply to this company and location
createPayHash( integer $client_id, integer $invoice_id )
Creates a Payment Hash that may be used to temporarily authenticate a
user's access to pay an invoice, or invoices
Creates a Payment Hash that may be used to temporarily authenticate a
user's access to pay an invoice, or invoices
- $client_id
- The client ID to create the hash for
- $invoice_id
The ID of the invoice to create the hash for
(if null will allow the hash to work for any invoice belonging to the client)
string A hash built based upon the parameters provided
verifyPayHash( integer $client_id, integer $invoice_id, string $hash )
Verifies the Payment Hash is valid
Verifies the Payment Hash is valid
- $client_id
- The client ID to verify the hash for
- $invoice_id
- The ID of the invoice to verify the hash for
- $hash
- The original hash to verify against
boolean True if the hash is valid, false otherwise