Methods summary
__construct( )
Initialize PackageOptions
Initialize PackageOptions
getValues( integer $option_id )
Fetches all package option values (and subsequent pricing) for the given package option
Fetches all package option values (and subsequent pricing) for the given package option
- $option_id
- The ID of the option whose values to retrieve
array A list of package option values, including package option pricings
getGroups( integer $option_id )
Fetches all package option groups associated with the given package option
Fetches all package option groups associated with the given package option
- $option_id
- The ID of the option whose groups to retrieve
array A list of package option groups this option value is assigned to
get( integer $option_id )
Fetches the package option
Fetches the package option
- $option_id
- The ID of the package option to fetch
mixed A stdClass object representing the package option, false if no such option exists
getByPackageId( integer $package_id )
Fetches the package options for the given package ID
Fetches the package options for the given package ID
- $package_id
- The ID of the package to fetch options for
array An array of stdClass objects, each representing a package option
getByPricingId( integer $option_pricing_id )
Fetches a package option for a specific option pricing ID.
Only option pricing and values associated with the given option pricing ID will be retrieved.
Fetches a package option for a specific option pricing ID.
Only option pricing and values associated with the given option pricing ID will be retrieved.
- $option_pricing_id
- The ID of the package option pricing value whose package option to fetch
mixed An stdClass object representing the package option, or false if none exist
getAll( integer $company_id )
Fetches all package option for a given company
Fetches all package option for a given company
- $company_id
- The company ID
array An array of stdClass objects representing each package option
getList( integer $company_id, integer $page = 1, array $order_by = ['name' => 'asc'] )
Fetches a list of all package options for a given company
Fetches a list of all package options for a given company
- $company_id
- The company ID to fetch package options from
- $page
- The page to return results for
- $order_by
- The sort and order conditions (e.g. array('sort_field'=>"ASC"), optional)
array An array of objects, each representing a package option
getListCount( integer $company_id )
Returns the total number of packages returned from PackageOptions::getList(),
useful in constructing pagination for the getList() method.
Returns the total number of packages returned from PackageOptions::getList(),
useful in constructing pagination for the getList() method.
- $company_id
- The company ID to fetch package options from
integer The total number of package options
add( array $vars )
Adds a package option for the given company
Adds a package option for the given company
- $vars
An array of package option info including:
- company_id The ID of the company to assign the option to
- label The label displayed for this option
- name The field name for this option
- type The field type for this option, one of:
- select
- checkbox
- radio
- quantity
- text
- textarea
- password
- addable 1 if the option is addable by a client
- editable 1 if the option is editable by a client
- values A numerically indexed array of value info including:
- name The name of the package option value (display name)
- value The value of the package option (optional, default null)
- default 1 or 0, whether or not this value is the default value (optional, default 0)
Only one value may be set as the default value for the option
For options of the 'quantity' type, the default may be set to the quantity
- status The status of the package option value (optional, default 'active')
Only 'select' and 'radio' option types may be 'inactive'
- min The minimum value if type is 'quantity'
- max The maximum value if type is 'quantity', null for unlimited quantity
- step The step value if type is 'quantity'
- pricing A numerically indexed array of pricing info including:
- term The term as an integer 1-65535 (optional, default 1)
- period The period, 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', 'onetime' (optional, default 'month')
- price The price of this term (optional, default 0.00)
- setup_fee The setup fee for this package (optional, default 0.00)
- currency The ISO 4217 currency code for this pricing (optional, default USD)
- groups An array of package option group IDs that the option belongs to (optional)
integer The package option ID, void on error
edit( integer $option_id, array $vars )
Updates a package option
- $option_id
- The ID of the package option to update
- $vars
An array of package option info including:
- label The label displayed for this option
- name The field name for this option
- type The field type for this option, one of:
- select
- checkbox
- radio
- quantity
- text
- textarea
- password
- addable 1 if the option is addable by a client
- editable 1 if the option is editable by a client
- values A numerically indexed array of value info including:
- id The ID of the package option value to update. If the ID is
not given, the option value will be added. (optional, required for edit)
- name The name of the package option value (display name).
If the 'name' is empty or not given, the option value will be deleted
- value The value of the package option (optional, default null)
- default 1 or 0, whether or not this value is the default value (optional, default 0)
Only one value may be set as the default value for the option.
For options of the 'quantity' type, the default may be set to the quantity
- status The status of the package option value (optional, default 'active')
Only 'select' and 'radio' option types may be 'inactive'
- min The minimum value if type is 'quantity'
- max The maximum value if type is 'quantity', null for unlimited quantity
- step The step value if type is 'quantity'
- pricing A numerically indexed array of pricing info including:
- id The package option pricing ID to update. If the ID is
not given, the pricing will be added. (optional, required for edit)
- term The term as an integer 1-65535 (optional, default 1).
If the term is not given along with an ID, the pricing will be deleted
- period The period, 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', 'onetime' (optional, default 'month')
- price The price of this term (optional, default 0.00)
- setup_fee The setup fee for this package (optional, default 0.00)
- currency The ISO 4217 currency code for this pricing (optional, default USD)
- groups An array of package option group IDs that the option belongs to (optional)
integer The package option ID, void on error
delete( integer $option_id )
Permanently removes a package option from the system
Permanently removes a package option from the system
- $option_id
- The package option ID to delete
deleteOptionValues( integer $option_id, integer $value_id = null )
Deletes all package option values and associated pricing for the given package option
Deletes all package option values and associated pricing for the given package option
- $option_id
- The ID of the package option whose values and pricing to delete
- $value_id
- The ID of the package option value whose value and pricing to delete (optional)
removeFromGroup( integer $option_id, array $option_groups )
Removes the given package option from the given package option groups
Removes the given package option from the given package option groups
- $option_id
- The ID of the package option
- $option_groups
A numerically-indexed array of package
option group IDs of the package option groups that this option should no longer be assigned to
orderValues( integer $option_id, array $value_ids )
Save the package options values for the given option in the provided order
Save the package options values for the given option in the provided order
- $option_id
- The ID of the option to order values for
- $value_ids
- A numerically indexed array of value IDs
getTypes( )
Retrieves a list of package option types and their language definitions
Retrieves a list of package option types and their language definitions
array A key/value list of types and their language
getValueStatuses( )
Retrieves a list of package option value statuses and their language definitions
Retrieves a list of package option value statuses and their language definitions
array A key/value list of statuses and their language
getPricingPeriods( boolean $plural = false )
Retrieves a list of package pricing periods
Retrieves a list of package pricing periods
- $plural
- True to return language for plural periods, false for singular
array Key=>value pairs of package pricing periods
getValuePricing( integer $value_id )
Fetch pricing for the given package option value
Fetch pricing for the given package option value
- $value_id
- The ID of the value to fetch
array An array of stdClass object each representing a pricing
getValuePricingById( integer $pricing_id )
Fetch pricing for the given package option pricing ID
Fetch pricing for the given package option pricing ID
- $pricing_id
- The ID of option pricing
mixed A stdClass object representing the value pricing, false otherwise
getValue( integer $option_id, string $value )
Fetches the value based on the given option_id and value
Fetches the value based on the given option_id and value
- $option_id
- The ID of the option to fetch the value for
- $value
- The value to fetch
mixed A stdClass object representing the value, false if not such value exists
getValuePrice( integer $value_id, integer $term, string $period, string $currency, string $convert_currency = null )
Fetches pricing for the given option with the given value
Fetches pricing for the given option with the given value
- $value_id
- The ID of the option to fetch
- $term
- The term to fetch fields for
- $period
- The period to fetch fields for
- $currency
- The currency to fetch fields for
- $convert_currency
- The currency to convert to (optional)
mixed A stdClass object representing the value pricing, false if no such pricing exists
getValueProrateAmount( integer $value_id, string $start_date, integer $term, string $period, integer $pro_rata_day, string $currency, string $convert_currency = null )
Fetches prorated pricing for the given option with the given value
Fetches prorated pricing for the given option with the given value
- $value_id
- The ID of the option to fetch
- $start_date
- The start date to prorate the price from
- $term
- The term to fetch fields for
- $period
- The period to fetch fields for
- $pro_rata_day
- The day of the month to prorate to
- $currency
- The currency to fetch fields for
- $convert_currency
- The currency to convert to (optional)
mixed A stdClass object representing the value pricing, false if no such pricing exists
getAllByPackageId( integer $package_id, integer $term, string $period, string $currency, string $convert_currency = null, array $options = null )
Retrieves all package options for a package given its term, period, and currency
Retrieves all package options for a package given its term, period, and currency
- $package_id
- The ID of the package
- $term
- The package term
- $period
- The package period
- $currency
- The pricing currency
- $convert_currency
- The currency to convert to (optional, default null)
- $options
An array of key/value pairs for filtering options (optional, default null). May include:
- addable Set to 1 to only include options that are addable by
clients; 0 to only include options that are NOT addable by
clients; otherwise every option is included
- editable Set to 1 to only include options that are editable by
clients; 0 to only include options that are NOT editable by
clients; otherwise every option is included
- allow An array of option IDs to include (i.e. white-list). An
empty array would return no options. Not setting this 'option_ids' key will allow any option
- disallow An array of option IDs not to include (i.e. black-list). An empty array would allow all options.
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs currently in use where
each key is the package option ID and each value is the option value
array An array of package options including their values and pricing
getFields( integer $package_id, integer $term, string $period, string $currency, stdClass $vars = null, string $convert_currency = null, array $options = null )
Get option fields
- $package_id
- The ID of the package to fetch fields for
- $term
- The term to fetch fields for
- $period
- The period to fetch fields for
- $currency
- The currency to fetch fields for
- $vars
- An stdClass object representing a set of post fields (optional, default null)
- $convert_currency
- The currency to convert to (optional, default null)
- $options
An array of key/value pairs for filtering options (optional, default null). May include:
- addable Set to 1 to only include options that are addable by
clients; 0 to only include options that are NOT addable by
clients; otherwise every option is included
- editable Set to 1 to only include options that are editable by
clients; 0 to only include options that are NOT editable by
clients; otherwise every option is included
- allow An array of option IDs to include (i.e. white-list). An
empty array would return no fields. Not setting this 'option_ids' key will allow any option
- disallow An array of option IDs not to include (i.e. black-list). An empty array would allow all options.
- configoptions An array of key/value pairs currently in use where
each key is the package option ID and each value is the option value
- new Set to 1 if this is for a new package, or 0 if this is for an existing package (default 1)
ModuleFields A ModuleFields object, containg the fields to render
formatPricingTerm( integer $term, string $period )
Formats the pricing term
- $term
- The term length
- $period
- The period of this term
mixed The term formatted in accordance to the period, if possible
formatOptions( array $options )
Formats options into key/value named pairs where each key is the
option field name from a key/value pair array where each key is the
option ID.
Formats options into key/value named pairs where each key is the
option field name from a key/value pair array where each key is the
option ID.
- $options
- A key/value pair array where each key is the option ID
formatServiceOptions( array $options )
Formats options into configoption array elements where each key is the
option ID and each value is the option's selected value
Formats options into configoption array elements where each key is the
option ID and each value is the option's selected value
- $options
- An array of stdClass objects, each representing a service option and its value
array An array that contains configoptions and key/value pairs
of option ID and the option's selected value
validatePricingTerm( integer $term, string $period )
Validates that the term is valid for the period. That is, the term must be > 0
if the period is something other than "onetime".
Validates that the term is valid for the period. That is, the term must be > 0
if the period is something other than "onetime".
- $term
- The Term to validate
- $period
- The period to validate the term against
boolean True if validated, false otherwise
validatePricingPeriod( string $period )
Validates the pricing 'period' field type
Validates the pricing 'period' field type
boolean True if validated, false otherwise
validateValueStep( string $step, string $type )
Validates whether the given package option value given has a valid step set
Validates whether the given package option value given has a valid step set
- $step
- The package option step value
- $type
- The package option type
boolean True if the package option value has a valid step set, or false otherwise
validateValueMin( string $min, string $type )
Validates whether the given package option value given has a valid minimum value
Validates whether the given package option value given has a valid minimum value
- $min
- The package option minimum value
- $type
- The package option type
boolean True if the package option value has a valid minimum value set, or false otherwise
validateValueMax( string $max, string $type )
Validates whether the given package option value given has a valid maximum value
Validates whether the given package option value given has a valid maximum value
- $max
- The package option maximum value
- $type
- The package option type
boolean True if the package option value has a valid maximum value set, or false otherwise
validateOptionValueLimit( array $values, string $type )
Validates whether the number of package option values is valid for the given package option type
Validates whether the number of package option values is valid for the given package option type
- $values
- A numerically-indexed array of package option values
- $type
- The package option type
boolean True if the number of package option values is valid for
the given package option type, or false otherwise
validateSelectTypeValues( array $values, string $type )
Validates whether any of the given package option values contains invalid special characters
for options of the 'select' type. An invalid character is determined to be one that is not equivalent
to its HTML encoded version
Validates whether any of the given package option values contains invalid special characters
for options of the 'select' type. An invalid character is determined to be one that is not equivalent
to its HTML encoded version
- $values
- A numerically-indexed array of package option values
- $type
- The package option type
boolean True if all package option values contain valid characters, or false otherwise
validateGroupIds( array $groups, integer $company_id = null )
Validates whether all of the given package option group IDs exist and belong to the given company
Validates whether all of the given package option group IDs exist and belong to the given company
- $groups
- An array of package option group IDs
- $company_id
- The ID of the company the groups must belong to (optional, default null)
boolean True if all of the given package option groups exist and
belong to the given company, or false otherwise